Canna seed head


buddy icon Saul G.
10 years ago
Very interesting macro
buddy icon oxkarthemighty
10 years ago
20x or 10x? Magnificent. This is one bad ass shot. Very cool.
buddy icon laurie.knight
10 years ago
Oscar pretty sure this was the Olympus 38/f2.8 at max bellows
buddy icon oxkarthemighty
10 years ago
Dang it. I keep forgetting your gear. ;P Does Olympus still do Bioscape contests?
buddy icon laurie.knight
10 years ago
They do, yes.. I managed a couple of honourable mentions last year
buddy icon oxkarthemighty
10 years ago
Nice. You should put this one in, it's quite beautiful.
I love the pictures you have put on this group. Please can you allow the exif/camera details up?
buddy icon laurie.knight
10 years ago
Alison, sorry that's not possible, for starters none of my lenses are electronic, and they connect to camera by an old non electronic bellows so there's no lens info at all in the cameras exif. Secondly any Exif info the camera does output is lost by the software that composites the stack slices..

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Genus : Canna
