Barkfly (Psocid)


buddy icon bug_g_membracid
14 years ago
Lovely! Is that a little dollop of pollen on the head?
buddy icon laurie.knight
14 years ago
I think it is a bit of pollen yes. A lot of insects (most actually) have bits of pollen on them if you look closely enough - probably because they spend a lot of time in/around flowers and pollen is sticky stuff!
buddy icon bobsaville93
14 years ago
Some wonderful shots, Laurie! This species is an Ectopsocus - either petersi or briggsi. Do you want a real challenge?! The best way to distinguish females of the two species is by the shape of the subgenital plate which is on the underside of the abdomen (see Can you photograph this feature on live animals?

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Order : Psocoptera
