Male Mayfly


buddy icon zosterops
14 years ago
Gosh, that is an amazing image!
buddy icon Lukjonis
14 years ago
O my Gosh, this is very strange... Your galery is awesome...
buddy icon Brodie Foster
14 years ago
That is bizzare, very well captured.
buddy icon Magic_moments.
14 years ago
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called ***A Place For Great Photographers*** Sweeper P1 A3 , and we'd love to have this added to the group!!!
buddy icon perakman
14 years ago
Great Photographer Member Award This Fantastic image was seen by a Member in: *** A Place For Great Photographers*** Sweeper Post 1 Award 3. Please tag this photo "greatphotographers"
buddy icon Uisge Beatha
14 years ago
Great Photographer Member Award This Fantastic image was seen by a Member in: *** A Place For Great Photographers*** Sweeper Post 1 Award 3. Please tag this photo "greatphotographers"
Kit lenses,compacts & stunning shots P2 C1 Sweeper Active Get two of these and post in our feature thread
Wonderful photo! Great Photograher Admin Award This Fantastic image was seen by Admin in: *** A Place For Great Photographers*** Please Comment on 1 or more images within the Group.
generic buddy icon GoneToRoost
14 years ago
Stunning shot, Great Photograher Admin Award This Fantastic image was seen by Admin in: *** A Place For Great Photographers*** Please Comment on 1 or more images within the Group. And please add the tag greatphotographers
buddy icon S R W
14 years ago
Wow now this is so close! Incredible detail. Kit lenses,compacts & stunning shots P2 C1 Sweeper Active Get two of these and post in our feature thread
buddy icon Mason Pickholz
14 years ago
Absoulutely amazing. The thing looks mechanical! This is one of the best bug macros I have ever seen. Its so optical. It tickles my eyes. Excellent image!
buddy icon Mason Pickholz
14 years ago
buddy icon bahnyB
14 years ago
WOW!! this is too much, brilliant macro...
buddy icon Chilliwack Jack
14 years ago
Love this... Faved !!! Great Photographer Member Award This Fantastic image was seen by a Member in: *** A Place For Great Photographers***
buddy icon Paparb
14 years ago
this is spectacular !!! awesome detail and job ((-:
buddy icon augcott
14 years ago
Holy Smokes! I'm speechless!
buddy icon pheαnix
14 years ago
Excellent! This is an Excellent photograph! Please add it to Ring of Excellence (Post 1/Award 3). Ring of Excellence Ring of Excellence Group (Post 1/Award 3)
Wow. This is great !! Congratulations on receiving a Silver Ring of Excellence. Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with ringexcellence Collect 4-7 rings, post here. Collect 8+ rings, post here to receive the Gold Ring of Excellence. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3).
buddy icon ThorsHammer94539
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Silver Ring of Excellence. Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with ringexcellence Collect 4-7 rings, post here. Collect 8+ rings, post here to receive the Gold Ring of Excellence. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3).
buddy icon mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Silver Ring of Excellence. Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with ringexcellence Collect 4-7 rings, post here. Collect 8+ rings, post here to receive the Gold Ring of Excellence. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3).
buddy icon sikwate
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Silver Ring of Excellence. Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with ringexcellence Collect 4-7 rings, post here. Collect 8+ rings, post here to receive the Gold Ring of Excellence. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3).
buddy icon 33Tazz
14 years ago
Amazing shot..... Congratulations on receiving a Silver Ring of Excellence. Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with ringexcellence Collect 4-7 rings, post here. Collect 8+ rings, post here to receive the Gold Ring of Excellence. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3).
buddy icon FM54TO
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Silver Ring of Excellence. Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with ringexcellence Collect 4-7 rings, post here. Collect 8+ rings, post here to receive the Gold Ring of Excellence. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3).
buddy icon pheαnix
14 years ago
Fantastic macro! Unbelievable. -- Congratulations on receiving a Silver Ring of Excellence. Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with ringexcellence Collect 4-7 rings, post here. Collect 8+ rings, post here to receive the Gold Ring of Excellence. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3). -- Seen in the group"Ring of Excellence (Post 1/Award 3)" ( ?² )
buddy icon Dirigentens
14 years ago
-- Congratulations on receiving a Silver Ring of Excellence. Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with ringexcellence Collect 4-7 rings, post here. Collect 8+ rings, post here to receive the Gold Ring of Excellence. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3). -- Seen in the group"Ring of Excellence (Post 1/Award 3)" ( ?² )
buddy icon pheαnix
14 years ago
Your photo is the Essence of Excellence. You have earned the Gold Ring of Excellence! Ring of Excellence You now qualify for the Photo of the Month contest. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3).
buddy icon pheαnix
14 years ago
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3), and we'd love to have this added to the group! -- Your photo has acheived a Gold Ring of Excellence! Congratulations! Please accept this Admin Invitation to Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) Double Ring of Excellence/ Please award 3 others in the pool.
buddy icon mrnickon
14 years ago
Wow, I've never seen anything like this before and I've been looking at insects for 30 years. Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Collect 4-7 double rings, post here. Collect 8+ double rings, post here Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
buddy icon avilo
14 years ago
holy cow! = fantastic Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Collect 4-7 double rings, post here. Collect 8+ double rings, post here Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Collect 4-7 double rings, post here. Collect 8+ double rings, post here Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
buddy icon tugboat1952
14 years ago
wow.. Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Collect 4-7 double rings, post here. Collect 8+ double rings, post here Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
buddy icon Ken M Johnson
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Collect 4-7 double rings, post here. Collect 8+ double rings, post here Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) Whoahhhh! Fabulous shot!
buddy icon pheαnix
14 years ago
Hi! I'm an admin for the Double Ring of Excellence group and your photo has at least 4 Double Rings. Consider adding it to the Get More Double Rings thread. Remember to comment on 2 other photos in the thread. Once you receive 8 Double rings, post in the 8+ thread to receive your Platinum Ring of Excellence.
buddy icon kjellarsen
14 years ago
Amazing shot! Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Collect 8+ double rings, post here Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) 4+ thread.
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Collect 4-7 double rings, post here. Collect 8+ double rings, post here Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
buddy icon Dirigentens
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Collect 8+ double rings, post here Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) 4+ thread. -- Seen in a discussion of the group "Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)" ( ?² )
buddy icon pheαnix
14 years ago
Your photo is beyond the Essence of Excellence. You have earned the Platinum Ring of Excellence! Ring of Excellence
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) 8+ thread.
buddy icon glemoigne
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) 8+ thread.
buddy icon EddyKehdi
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) 8+ thread.
buddy icon Sam, Ho
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) 8+ thread.
buddy icon adegsm@
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) 8+ thread.
buddy icon pheαnix
14 years ago
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Triple Ring of Excellence (P1/A3), and we'd love to have this added to the group! -- Your photo has acheived a Platinum Ring of Excellence! Congratulations! Please accept this Admin Invitation to Triple Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) Triple Ring of Excellence/
buddy icon Jesus Arellano
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Triple Ring of Excellence! Triple Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with tplringexcellence Collect 4-7 triple rings, post here. Collect 8+ triple rings, post here Seen in Triple Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
Congratulations on receiving a Triple Ring of Excellence! Triple Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with tplringexcellence Collect 4-7 triple rings, post here. Collect 8+ triple rings, post here Seen in Triple Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
buddy icon ThorsHammer94539
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Triple Ring of Excellence! Triple Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with tplringexcellence Collect 4-7 triple rings, post here. Collect 8+ triple rings, post here Seen in Triple Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
buddy icon tugboat1952
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Triple Ring of Excellence! Triple Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with tplringexcellence Collect 4-7 triple rings, post here. Collect 8+ triple rings, post here Seen in Triple Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
buddy icon FreeSpirit5
14 years ago
excellent Congratulations on receiving a Triple Ring of Excellence! Triple Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with tplringexcellence Collect 4-7 triple rings, post here. Collect 8+ triple rings, post here Seen in Triple Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
buddy icon SWJuk
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Triple Ring of Excellence! Triple Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with tplringexcellence Collect 4-7 triple rings, post here. Collect 8+ triple rings, post here Seen in Triple Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3)
buddy icon Nick Kozub
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Silver Ring of Excellence. Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with ringexcellence Collect 4-7 rings, post here. Collect 8+ rings, post here to receive the Gold Ring of Excellence. Seen in the Ring of Excellence Group (P1/A3).
buddy icon Kevin Council
14 years ago
buddy icon pippigar
14 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) 8+ thread.
buddy icon CuriousFab
13 years ago
Congratulations on receiving a Double Ring of Excellence! Double Ring of Excellence/ Please TAG your photo with dblringexcellence Seen in Double Ring of Excellence - Invite Only (P1/A3) 8+ thread.
buddy icon billmclaugh
13 years ago
WTF? Crazy.
buddy icon Keith - Glasgow
13 years ago
That is a seriously creepy image! Really well done. Great Photographer Member Award This Fantastic image was seen by a Member in: *** A Place For Great Photographers*** Sweeper Post 1 Award 3. Please tag this photo "greatphotographers"
AWESOM PIC!!! Great Photographer Member Award This Fantastic image was seen by a Member in: *** A Place For Great Photographers*** Post 1 Award 3.Please Get 5+ Great Photographer awards And post here Please tag this photo "greatphotographers"
buddy icon Jan Hamrsky
12 years ago
Wery interesting!
buddy icon diverpow
12 years ago
Excellent Marco.
buddy icon Queenofcalamity
11 years ago
Excellent capture. Crazy looking creature!

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Family : Baetidae
