chalcidoid wasp


Awesome macro. Superb clarity and amazing colours. Well done. Seen in your photostream.
buddy icon tanukifu
14 years ago
Excellent image. Outstanding Close-up. Well done!
Your work has been admired at *Macro - Up close and personal*
buddy icon riverdance220
14 years ago
Only one word to describe this picture,AWESOME!
buddy icon MrsHeadrush
13 years ago
Amazing Bugz !! Definitely a Buzz and Bugz winner! and we'd love to have your photo added to the group. ,Definitely a Buzz and Bugz Winner Please Tag Your Photo with BuzzNBugz The Buzz and Bugz Group,
buddy icon green gennii
13 years ago
Seen in Wild Bees and Wasps of Europe The detail is amazing Hairy antennae i learnt something new with your photo
buddy icon Nigel Jones
13 years ago
Really, really excellent!
buddy icon Papa Ellis
12 years ago
a new view of the insect world!
buddy icon Dan W Conway
11 years ago
Thank You For Sharing This Outstanding Image – I’m personally touched by your photograph, in every aspect of what the experts say and teach that creates a great photograph, your image surpasses all of those great qualities. Congratulations on such fine work. By: Dan W Conway - Seen in the Best of ... Wild Life ( high quality only) Group

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Chalcid wasp

Superfamily : Chalcidoidea
