Bug eggs casings and babies


buddy icon Ashley _Wood
14 years ago
pentatomidae/shieldbug is as far as I can id these. A beautiful shot. Perfect. Wish I could pull these off
It's a beautiful pic ! Très belle photo ! Have a nice week :-) Passez une agréable semaine :-) You Are Invited To Add This Image To Please add your photo to the group pool *If you accept this invitation, please do not forget to give an award to 3 or more other pictures. Invitations and comments are controlled by Sweeper* To receive other invitations for other pics, please use this thread, thanks :-) Post your SMALL images in the invitation thread and get an INVITE : for 1 post, give 1 inv (or more!) HERE Please see also our challenges, thanks
buddy icon ohrfeus
10 years ago
What a find, perfectly captured!

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True bug

Suborder : Heteroptera
