Yellow Dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)


buddy icon Thierrry
13 years ago
Best dung fly shot I've ever seen :)
buddy icon Dmitri Pavlov
13 years ago
What a friendly face :)
buddy icon Joaquim F. P.
13 years ago
Fantastic detail and perfect background! greetings
buddy icon Yagosan
13 years ago
Very nice photo! Well done!
buddy icon johnhallmen
13 years ago
Beautiful work Laurie!
Excellent the yellow light in background value the face details.
buddy icon kliton77
13 years ago
wonderful the light is divine
buddy icon Johannes Palmer
13 years ago
Amazing shot! Was seen in: Holy Creations of NATURE~P1 Award 2 [NO People] ~ SWEEPER ACTIVE! 24 Pics with 5 + Awards Post Here Pics with 7 + Awards Post Here Pics with 10+ Awards Post Here
buddy icon lucamontipo
13 years ago
Amazing shot! Was seen in: Holy Creations of NATURE~P1 Award 2 [NO People] ~ SWEEPER ACTIVE! +28,000 Pics with 5 + Awards Post Here Pics with 7 + Awards Post Here Pics with 10+ Awards Post Here My "HolyCreationsOfNature" Photo:
Amazing shot! Was seen in: Holy Creations of NATURE~P1 Award 2 [NO People] ~ SWEEPER ACTIVE! 24 Pics with 5 + Awards Post Here Pics with 7 + Awards Post Here Pics with 10+ Awards Post Here
buddy icon morebcn
13 years ago
Superb. I love colors and details. Superb DoF!
buddy icon Armpro
13 years ago
Wonderful capture! Thanks for posting. Dragon's Eyes (by Armpro) Seen in ALL ABOUT INSECTS & SPIDERS All About Insects & Spiders If you receive 4 or more awards, please post medium size to our awards thread.
buddy icon louise peters
13 years ago
Superb maco!! Dragon's Eyes (by Armpro) Seen in ALL ABOUT INSECTS & SPIDERS All About Insects & Spiders If you receive 4 or more awards, please post medium size to our awards thread.
buddy icon Rita Rojas
13 years ago
Amazing shot! Was seen in: Holy Creations of NATURE~P1 Award 2 [NO People] +28,000 Pics with 5 + Awards Post Here Pics with 7 + Awards Post Here Pics with 10+ Awards Post Here "Sweeper is ACTIVE NOW"
buddy icon Shan B.
13 years ago
An Amazing Image of The Finest Insect In Macro FIMLOGO Please Join Us @ ”The Finest Insect Macro” Post 1, Comment 1.
buddy icon Weinstöckle
13 years ago
Dies sind ja alles unglaublich schöne und beeindruckende Bilder.
buddy icon graftedno1
13 years ago
I saw this wonderful insect in:
buddy icon Philip Wee
13 years ago
I saw this wonderful insect in:
This is a Spectacular Photo of an Insect! You are invited to post this image to "Spectacular Insects, invite only!
generic buddy icon Photo--Graphy
13 years ago
buddy icon iohandesign
13 years ago
great focus, details and DOF. background superb
WOW!! Your macro work is amazing!
buddy icon snow-cookie
13 years ago
Fantastic image, great dof
generic buddy icon New Era 51
13 years ago
Amazing shot top draw
buddy icon John-Walsh
13 years ago
Great poser!
buddy icon Javcon117*
12 years ago
Love this one! Black & Yellow are such great colors together! Well Done!
buddy icon Jóember
12 years ago
Great picture.

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Yellow Dung Fly

Species : Scathophaga stercoraria
