Polydrusus sp. Weevil


buddy icon Nikola Rahme
13 years ago
Laurie, have to correct you, this is a Polydrusus species, more likely Polydrusus formosus. Phyllobius have no trenches for the antennae! Anyway impressive stack!
buddy icon laurie.knight
13 years ago
Many thanks Nikola, please don't feel bad for correcting me, I appreciate all ID help!
buddy icon Armpro
13 years ago
Excellent detailed capture Thanks for sharing. Dragon's Eyes (by Armpro) Seen in ALL ABOUT INSECTS & SPIDERS All About Insects & Spiders If you receive 4 or more awards, please post medium size to our awards thread.
buddy icon Macroloupe
13 years ago
Extra !
Please post your photo at NATURE !!! Thank you !!
buddy icon Moneycue
13 years ago
Fantastic!!!!! Dragon's Eyes (by Armpro) Seen in ALL ABOUT INSECTS & SPIDERS All About Insects & Spiders If you receive 4 or more awards, please post medium size to our awards thread.
buddy icon Celimaniac
13 years ago
Seen in Closer and Closer Macro Photography Which will look like: Seen in Closer and Closer Macro Photography
buddy icon Adam's Photo graphs
13 years ago
Hi, The Spectacular Insects Group's XII contest of the month of July is "Weevils". This photo would be great for the contest. Read the rules!!!. Please consider posting this or another great photo at: www.flickr.com/groups/spectacular_insects/discuss/7215762...
buddy icon 1crzqbn
13 years ago
awesome! I saw this magnificent creature In: Spectacular Insects
buddy icon Robert Seber
13 years ago
The skin looks fantastic
buddy icon SmartyPhoto
13 years ago
how do you make this...it's absolutly amazing....without words...woah
buddy icon laurie.knight
13 years ago
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/smartyphoto] Please check out my website www.laurieknight.net for more info on focus stacking...
buddy icon jammo s
13 years ago
Stunning shot I saw this magnificent creature In: Spectacular Insects
buddy icon Adam's Photo graphs
12 years ago
2nd place winner in the Spectacular insect's group 12th contest: Weevil
buddy icon messycupcakes
12 years ago
awesome photo!
buddy icon zxgirl
12 years ago
These images are so fantastic! Really stunning.
buddy icon fossiled
12 years ago
Stunning image. Great color and textrure

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Genus : Polydrusus
