Lasius ant portrait


buddy icon carlos mancilla
13 years ago
Excelente acercamiento, lástima el recorte de las antenas Dragon's Eyes (by Armpro) Seen in ALL ABOUT INSECTS & SPIDERS All About Insects & Spiders If you receive 4 or more awards, please post medium size to our awards thread.
buddy icon Armpro
13 years ago
Wonderful capture! Thanks for posting. Dragon's Eyes (by Armpro) Seen in ALL ABOUT INSECTS & SPIDERS All About Insects & Spiders If you receive 4 or more awards, please post medium size to our awards thread.
Your macros are so amazing!
Dragon's Eyes (by Armpro) Seen in ALL ABOUT INSECTS & SPIDERS All About Insects & Spiders If you receive 4 or more awards, please post medium size to our awards thread.
It doesn't get any better than this !
generic buddy icon geetee50
13 years ago
Superb !!!
generic buddy icon rubicj
13 years ago
buddy icon CaZen
13 years ago
Wow, that's amazing! It's like he stuck his head underwater. -- Seen in the group" Closer and Closer Macro Photography" (?)
buddy icon Peter Evans
13 years ago
Outstanding. Is this a focus stack?
buddy icon laurie.knight
13 years ago
[] Yes it's a focus stack, around 60 slices iirc.
confident-iconYou've just won a "Swirvy Cool" Award Thank you for sharing your work in "One Swirvy Cool Group"
generic buddy icon Gill.G
13 years ago
Fantastic composition, detail and lighting. The focus is incredible!
buddy icon roverguybm
13 years ago
S Cool.jpeg</a

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Black garden ant

Species : Lasius niger
