Ore Wasp (Chalcidoid) - female


buddy icon LizaLovesNature
13 years ago
Really Beautiful capture. For some reason this wasp reminds me of a "precious moments" collectable figurine!:)
generic buddy icon by bianca
13 years ago
generic buddy icon (;#@^
13 years ago
This is amazing! I was stung by a black wasp two days ago and my whole forearm has turned bright red. Be careful! (Was this alive when you photographed it?)
buddy icon Heather*C
13 years ago
What a stunning creature. Amazing capture.
buddy icon Barrie Caveman
13 years ago
Another beauty laurie, great macro. S Cool.jpeg
You have something that most of don't, I look forward to your amazing photos! S Cool.jpeg
buddy icon kliton77
13 years ago
what a wonderful wasp great light and detail
buddy icon VarUni7
13 years ago
like jewelery! awesome green!
buddy icon kernowrules
13 years ago
Great work. Can we have some detail on this please: was it alive/image stacking/lens used/extenders/software used to process - always wanted to do something like this but would like to know what it takes
buddy icon John-Walsh
13 years ago
buddy icon John-Walsh
13 years ago
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/44438254@N08] Some of the details are on his profile page!
buddy icon EvilEyeGoshawk
13 years ago
Totally awesome!!
generic buddy icon geetee50
13 years ago
buddy icon panoramafan
13 years ago
Your work is so unbelieveable! Great!!
generic buddy icon ep48
13 years ago
Stunning macro. This beautiful photo was seen at: The World Up-Close (Nature Macro) "The World Up-Close (Nature Macro)".
buddy icon colbugspotter
13 years ago
Amazing image Seen in Wasps
buddy icon laurie.knight
13 years ago
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/44438254@N08] Hiya, as others have commented there are links in my profile to my website where the focus stacking is explained in depth. For this shot:- The subject is dead. Magnification is around 10:1 Lens used - Nikon 10x/0.30 CF plan N objective. Extension used - bellows at approx 160mm extension. Software used: Zerene stacker (PMAX method) Shots in stack - 221 at 6 micron focus steps. Hope this helps!
buddy icon Ireneusz Otrębski-Photography
13 years ago
buddy icon Milusa
12 years ago
Hi, The Spectacular Insects Group's XVI contest of the month of November "Bees and wasps". This photo would be great for the contest. Read the rules!!!. Please consider posting this or another great photo at: www.flickr.com/groups/spectacular_insects/discuss/7215762...

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Chalcid wasp

Superfamily : Chalcidoidea
