Mosquito Wings


WOW What a high quality artistic work!!!!
buddy icon Papa Ellis
12 years ago
fantastic ... brings back memories of examining thousands of mosquitoes in my past life ...
buddy icon SequentialMacro
12 years ago
The colours are beautiful... i love this one :)
Beautiful macro and interference colors!
buddy icon Percy Ferry
12 years ago
buddy icon fossiled
12 years ago
Incredible beauty perfectly captured and imaged. Magic!
buddy icon ~Simmy~
10 years ago
As Admin for this group, I attach this Invitation uitno macro groep You are invited to post this photo to Simply Fantastic
buddy icon ~Simmy~
10 years ago
Thank you for sharing ! award macro groep Post 1 photo - Comment 3 using our comment code Please !! 5 + awards post here:
buddy icon Susan Roehl
10 years ago
Thank you for sharing ! award macro groep Post 1 photo - Comment 5 using our comment code Please !! 5 + awards post here:
buddy icon Juergen6363
10 years ago
Thank you for sharing ! award macro groep Post 1 photo - Comment 5 using our comment code Please !! 5 + awards post here:
buddy icon Marcello Bardi
10 years ago
Bellissima ! Please visit my gallery ... Thank you for sharing ! award macro groep Post 1 photo - Comment 5 using our comment code Please !! 5 + awards post here:

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Family : Culicidae
