Weevil, likely Rhynchitidae, Tatianaerhynchites aequatus


buddy icon Rense Haveman
12 years ago
Excellent, just excellent!
buddy icon AlexCortz
12 years ago
Realmente muy buena foto. Mis sinceras felicitaciones!
buddy icon tobyjug5
12 years ago
awesome detail, great job.
buddy icon Nikola Rahme
12 years ago
Do you have a whole-body shot? Looks more like an Attelabidae, Rynchitinae. Curculio species do not have metallic colours.
buddy icon Maxwel Rocha
12 years ago
Awesome stack!
from another world
Those metallic tones are gorgeous!
buddy icon laurie.knight
12 years ago
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/eurythyrea] I don't have a whole body shot yet, I've just posted a slightly wider shot to my photostream.. After a bit of googling I think you're right, likely Rhynchitidae.
buddy icon SequentialMacro
12 years ago
Unreal detail :o i love your work, what advice do you have for stacking at 10x with a stacking rail that moves at 0.05mm ? :D do i need smaller distances?
Wow Laurie! I came across your work when I saw the head of a mosquito you did. I did some stereoscope photos back in the day of analog, using an old Canon ftb, suffering the ignorance of how to do it right and of course the inconvenience of dark room work. Much later I got back into macro, now digital, and ever since I've been trying to get better at it, thanks in great part as well, to the advice of great macro photographers. I haven't updated my flickr gallery in a while because I stoped uploading when I saw there was a limit to a free account gallery. I opened a group in facebook for only macro photographers, we have some great people in there as well as awesome macro photographers, and it would be an honor, if by any chance you have FB account, to have you join us! I'm sure everyone would love to know more about stacked microscope photography, since we always want to go smaller and smaller, it's amazing the things you see, and how wonderful the macro world is! In case you do have a FB account (I've already come across some other great photographers like John Hallmen that sadly don't and are not interested), this is the link: www.facebook.com/groups/macrojunkies/ Your work is simply amazing!!!
buddy icon Papa Ellis
12 years ago
amazing! i like the details in the compound eyes ... you can almost make out the hexagonal shapes
buddy icon Kay Burn Lim
12 years ago
Spectacular! May I ask where you find weevils???
buddy icon laurie.knight
12 years ago
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/kay_burn_lim] I found this one on a Brassica in the garden..
buddy icon laurie.knight
12 years ago
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/sequentialmacro] This depends on a number of factors, what sensor size, what pixel density, what NA/F-stop on the lens? (Note please don't answer and ask me to do the maths!! The best way to be sure is try it out, and look for oof banding, it can be subtle)
buddy icon ohrfeus
12 years ago
Fantastic work, great framing!
buddy icon SequentialMacro
12 years ago
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/laurie-knight] I did some math, although i am terrible and worked it out from there being a 10x 160mm objective i have made some alterations also with the sensor and distances.
buddy icon Dan Dewan
12 years ago
Wow! Fantastic detail.
wow Nice picture i like it good job ;-)
buddy icon Percy Ferry
12 years ago
12 years ago
Brilliant shot.
buddy icon Sea Moon
11 years ago
Wow, I could look at your shots all day...
buddy icon zosterops
10 years ago
This is quite incredible...

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Species : Tatianaerhynchites aequatus
