Weevil, likely Rhynchitidae, Tatianaerhynchites aequatus


MAgnificent.....incredible Snout !
buddy icon Papa Ellis
12 years ago
amazing colours and details ... well done!
Lovely coloring.. I love the goldish reflection on it's body... well done :) Funny.. am I the only one who can't find this weevil here?!? :(
buddy icon kliton77
12 years ago
beautiful subject great work
buddy icon SequentialMacro
12 years ago
Laurie where have you been !!! Have you been improving your setup or something? These are gob smacking... ! Glad to see you are back anyway :))
buddy icon Celimaniac
12 years ago
Awesome Macro, very well done!
buddy icon JebbiePix
12 years ago
You've made it look beautiful with that golden skin :)
buddy icon ALLART1
11 years ago
breath taking!
buddy icon bernardblanché
10 years ago
chapeau! et respect un Grand Travail ou peut'on avoir des détails sur vos prises de vues? Merci

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Species : Tatianaerhynchites aequatus
