Bark Fly (Psocid)


buddy icon JebbiePix
12 years ago
I've never seen this perspective before-- Neat!
buddy icon SequentialMacro
12 years ago
These flies are tiny if i remember correctly... superb stack ! Those 3 things on its head, are they simple eyes or something? I've always wondered what they were on flies of all kinds.
buddy icon Cobra0435
12 years ago
Absolutely Amazing detail, color, and composition! Outstanding Close-up. Well done!
Your work has been admired at *Macro - Up close and personal*
buddy icon laurie.knight
12 years ago
[] Yes they are the ocelli or simple eyes, most flying insects have a similar arrangement of three.
buddy icon tobyjug5
12 years ago
lot of detail from such a tiny subject.

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Order : Psocoptera
