Soldier Fly


Very cool, never realised their eyes were so hairy. I have thousands of these skulking on the leaves in the garden at the moment. Nice split eye colouration too!
buddy icon Stratio
12 years ago
Awesome work Laurie! I wanted to shoot studio stack of a Stratio, but it was very hairy, and the hairs was white-colored, and these were unfortunately overexposed.
buddy icon Dan Dewan
12 years ago
fine looking specimen.
buddy icon A_sin 1968
12 years ago
Wow.....Very beautiful>>>
buddy icon bascat
12 years ago
very nice.
buddy icon Bogdan Raducan
12 years ago
these flies' eyes are amazing, I took a picture of such a fly a year ago or so...and first I didn't know whether its eyes colors are the result of degradation or if the colors are natural... Cheers Bogdan
buddy icon Smoggy Mountain
12 years ago
buddy icon andrea hallgass
12 years ago
really a great shot the light is perfect and the bristles between the ommatidia are spectacular
buddy icon Richard Fasen
12 years ago
Very very nice shot. Hairs on the eyes are very detailed. How do you prepare your subjects, that they look this way on your pictures? Excellent work Laurie.
buddy icon laurie.knight
12 years ago
[] In what way do you mean prepare? I clean them up with a tiny paintbrush and a magnifier/lens/stereoscope..
buddy icon asish mohanty
12 years ago
Brilliant details . Great effort.excellent stacking
buddy icon SequentialMacro
12 years ago
Brilliant work !!! I recently got a picture of one too :D []
buddy icon Queenofcalamity
11 years ago
Excellent capture and a stunning photostream. Amazing work.
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10 years ago
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buddy icon Juergen6363
10 years ago
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buddy icon ~Simmy~
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Soldier Fly

Family : Stratiomyidae
