Spider mite (likely Tetranychus)


Great macro, super detail
buddy icon tobyjug5
12 years ago
excellent super-macro
buddy icon Edi Eco
12 years ago
Wonderful capture.
buddy icon botanical illustrator Hans de Vries
12 years ago
Great! What camera and lens did you use? How many images did you stack for this picture? Beautiful!!!!
buddy icon laurie.knight
12 years ago
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/35899680@N06] Thanks! Most of my studio stacks are done with an Olympus E330, they are quite often put into sets to mark the lens used, this was with a recently acquired JML 20x objective. I think this was around 53 images, not bad for a live bug! :)
buddy icon A_sin 1968
12 years ago
buddy icon SequentialMacro
12 years ago
Shouldn't be possible, but you have done it, what an image ! Bravo Laurie.. annoyingly good work !
buddy icon Terapixel²
12 years ago
Wow, impressive work.
buddy icon Maxwel Rocha
12 years ago
Another awesome work!
buddy icon ohrfeus
12 years ago
Great work!
buddy icon tulkas98
11 years ago
hello. What photography system and lighting you use to achieve these photographies? Thanks!

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Spider Mite

Genus : Tetranychus
