Catalpa bignonioides 'Purpurea'


I take it this is through a microscope??
buddy icon laurie.knight
11 years ago
Not an entire microscope, a microscope objective lens is mounted on a bellows, and I use the focusing stage of a microscope for moving the subject for focus stacking..
buddy icon DianneB 2007.
11 years ago
It looks like a view from a plane flying over a rainforest...
buddy icon Weinstöckle
11 years ago
Sehr sehr gut.
buddy icon SequentialMacro
11 years ago
What magnification, out of nothing but mild interest :) Glad to see you're back Laurie :) As you know I'm a big fan hehe :P Great stacking, increments must have been stupid for this stack !!
buddy icon laurie.knight
11 years ago
[] 20x with the JML. 84 slices (at 3 micron steps iirc)

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Indian bean tree

Species : Catalpa bignonioides
