Other Focus Stacking Resources

Posted: 11 years ago Last updated: 11 years ago

The following resources could be useful to you if you are thinking of stacking!


There are 8 comments so far.

buddy icon nqkynjUtera
82 months ago
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buddy icon nczichUtera
82 months ago
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buddy icon nczichUtera
82 months ago
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buddy icon nbhsbpUtera
82 months ago
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buddy icon nbhsbpUtera
82 months ago
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buddy icon nbhsbpUtera
82 months ago
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131 months ago
Neal there is a formula but I don't know if off hand, I prefer to just work out out by trial and error for each lens/magnification combination...
156 months ago
Many thanks for your fine pictures and informative articles. My question is: What distance between adjacent "slices" of the imeage is required for good resolution? Is there a formula?
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